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Image by Anthony Ievlev

Our Story

At Bayani Greens we approach agriculture in an innovative and sustainable way. Growing in metres squared, not hectares.

Drawing on nearly two decades of diverse experience in the food service industry, we've consistently delivered exceptional freshness and quality. Our journey has spanned iconic restaurants and hotels in South Africa to leading operations at two large-scale fresh cheese manufacturing facilities, each spanning 850 square meters, in the U.A.E. Our expertise extends across all seven emirates, working closely with hotels, catering companies, restaurants, and a broad spectrum of clients, underscoring our versatility and commitment to excellence in the global food service landscape.

We have experience serving clients from all cultural backgrounds and businesses of all sizes such as:

At Bayani Greens, we've channeled the wealth of knowledge we've amassed over the almost 2 decades since joining the food service industry and continued that love of learning since the inception of Bayani Greens nearly two years ago into every aspect of our operations.


Our goal is to leverage this expertise to deliver an incredible product that is local, healthy, and fresh 365 days a year. This dedication ensures our microgreens can be on family dinner tables, as well as in restaurants, hotels, and catering companies within hours of harvest.


Offering both pre-cut, living trays and microgreen growing kits, our microgreens are cultivated sustainably, keeping organic practices at the forefront of our process.

In the nearly two years since we began, we've not only honed our craft but also deepened our understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the urban farming sector. This journey has further solidified our commitment to making a meaningful impact on the food system.

We've observed the rising food costs for local products with concern, recognizing the strain it places on our community. Armed with the insights and innovations we've developed at Bayani Greens, we are more determined than ever to be part of the solution. We aim to challenge and change the status quo, making healthy, sustainable, and locally grown food more accessible and affordable to all.

Our Vision

Create the most compelling urban farming company of the 21st century by growing the worlds finest produce that is non-gmo, organic and using the most sustainable practices'.

Our Mission

To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable farming!

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